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The Mind Circus PodCast
with Karen Bartos


Thanks for checking out The Mind Circus Podcast! I'm so glad you're here because it means you want to dive into all things mind-set related and that's my jam. 


I'm your host, Karen Bartos. Let me tell you a little bit about WHY I'm fascinated with all things mind-set related. 


Over a decade ago, I took the plunge and launched a photography business. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, but I figured it out. The list of skills you have to tackle as a photographer and entrepreneur can be pretty intimidating, but I was up for the challenge. Owning a photography business had been a dream since college.


There were so many resources to learn Photoshop, Lightroom, client posing and workflow, marketing, IT, accounting, etc. I managed to master these to some degree (disclaimer - I'm not an expert).


But....there was one area that was a constant struggle. It was the stories I told myself about well, you name it. 

  • No one will hire you, you have no idea what your doing.

  • People won't pay THAT kind of money for photography.

  • There's enough photographers in the market. 

  • What if no one likes my pictures. 

  • I may as well hang it up and go find a real job. 


This is what I like to call The Mind Circus. Picture the circus with all the chaos. That's your mind. Picture the ringmaster who controls the circus. That's you. You have the ability to pick and chose which thoughts you will listen to and in essence, determine your path. You can become the ringmaster of your Mind Circus.


I was fortunate enough to hire a business coach to help me deal with my Mind Circus and I put in the hard work, and continue to do so, with my mind set. It's fair enough to say that without the mind set work I did, I would have given up a long time ago.


Today I run a 6-figure boudoir studio. (Like someone pinch me)! I have built a business and life that I love and I want other people to learn from my journey. Podcasts were instrumental in my journey so I want to pay it forward.


Thanks for coming along to the circus!


You can check out my photography work here.

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